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Useful Open Manage Server Administrator(omreport) commands for Dell server

The Open Manage command line interface allows you to check the state of your hardware and do hardware settings.

Below commands are quick reference for Dell server, you can always use "omhelp omreport" commands to show help manual of "omreport".

1. System component properties.

  • System logs
omreport system alertlog  --View alert log.
omreport system esmlog    --View hardware (Embedded System Management) log.
omreport system cmdlog    --View command log.
  • OS
omreport system operatingsystem
  • Summary of all system components(Including major components versions)
omreport system summary
  • Version report for all updateable components.
(Including BIOS,OS and controller versions)
omreport system version

2. Chassis component properties.

  • Power (Check power peak stats and threshold)
omreport chassis pwrmonitoring
  • Check power capacity
omreport chassis pwrmanagement
  • Power health status
omreport chassis pwrsupplies
  • Fans
omreport chassis fans|grep -i stat
  • Memory
omreport chassis memory|egrep "Index|Status"
  • NICs
omreport chassis nics|egrep "Name|Status"
  • CPUs
omreport chassis processors
  • Temperatures
omreport chassis temps
  • Voltage
omreport chassis volts|egrep "Index|Status"
  • Battery of CMOS
omreport chassis batteries

3. Display storage component properties.

  • Physical Disk Status
omreport storage pdisk controller=0|egrep "^ID |Status|State|Failure"
  • Logical Disk Status
omreport storage vdisk|egrep "^Name|State|Write|Read"
  • Controller Status
omreport storage controller|egrep "^ID|^State|^Status|^Firmware"
  • Controller Battery
omreport storage battery
  • Controller Connecter Status

omreport storage connector controller=0|egrep "^ID|Status"


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